The Fasthouse Coach & Crew hit the road and headed north on Friday for Frogtown BMX Days at Angel’s Camp, California this past September 9-11.
Ernie Alexander and the legendary Fasthouse race team Dave Clinton, Byron Friday, Bobby Woods, Larry Ruiz, Bryan Dworshak, Eddy King and Jim Koch loaded up the motor-home with vintage BMX bikes, NBA & Fasthouse gear and tons o’ water. 15 Minutes into the trip and truckin’ up the 5, the tranny blew in the motor-home. Clinton and Friday both comment that “This is kind of like Scot Breithaupt and the 1977 tour” and everyone laughed. Everyone except Ernie. He wasn’t sure if he should go with the laugh or shed a tear... Fast forward 3 hours later and too many phone calls to mention - the crew has managed to run back to the shop to fetch a second Fasthouse Sprinter van and the motor-home's getting towed. Off to the races we go. Again...
FRIDAY: Booth’s all set up for fun with meet & greets, autographs and a massive line for photos. BMX legend Bob Hannah stops by and the line grew even longer. Lots o' story telling going on at the booth while the team managed to tear it up on the track, despite the blazing' 105 degree heat. Bryan and Ernie were flipping NBA t-shirts as fast as hot cakes all day leading to record sales numbers. Great way to kick off the weekend.

SATURDAY: Many motos today with classic BMXers, side hacks and even some modern bike heats. The So Cal crew kills it and everyone qualified for the semi and mains on Sunday. Meanwhile John "JP" Palfreman took up residence inside the FJ tent to drink all the beer and tell stories about his BMX days, including his world championship on his MX hack. Then our BMX bros, Perry Kramer, Stu Thomsen and Dennis Dain cruise by to hang with the FH crew and brought with them more rad stories and BMX talk. Ended the day with a giant Taco feed dinner at Brent & Brian Patterson’s home, then topped off the evening with some chill time to enjoy the breathtaking golf course view, complete with free roaming wild deer.

SUNDAY: Sunday's mains went down with mass chatter at the gate about "who's racing who?" but we managed to get by despite the confusion. By mid-day, people were burnt out from the sun and the heat so a few packed it up and left, leaving the gates a bit lean with racers. Sunday thankfully brought a little cooler temps and we gave away nearly 200 FH So Cal BMX Crew posters! Ernie was ready to throw in the towel as long as someone was racing the main events. He started packing up the tents because the motor-home we left in still had to be picked up. Larry Ruiz and Bryan Dworshak took a tight 2nd and made podium. Both walked away with a super cool John Crews, handmade, FrogTown BMX trophy and what can we say? What a weekend!