The upcoming 805 Beer film, Inverted Perspective, is a deep dive into Vicki Golden’s powerful rise to the top of the motocross world. Coming March 29th, the film uncovers just what it is that makes her tick. Unbeatable on the track, unrelenting on the ramp, and unwavering in her pursuit to be better every day, Vicki has inspired an entire generation of young women riders who now have someone to look up to.

From being the first woman to qualify for Supercross, to the first woman to medal in X Games Best Whip, and the first woman to be invited to Red Bull Imagination, Vicki now provides a ladder to the next generation. But Vicki’s decorated career as a five-time X Games gold medalist began as innocently as most. Her father’s passion for dirt bikes and family days at the track as a young girl sparked a life-long journey to the top of freestyle motocross. However, Vicki was hung up by fear after her father suffered a tragic dirt bike accident. But she didn’t let it consume her. Instead, she pressed harder into being the best rider she could be. Inverted Perspective showcases how her dedication to all things two wheels and her unwillingness to be put in a separate category have elevated her to every conversation in the moto world.
Motocross is beautifully, painstakingly subjective. Everyone has an opinion, and it’s a sport that certainly isn’t short of critics. But there are a charmed few who can hop on a bike and, no matter the day, do something that would make even the most grizzled cynic say, “Oh, wow.” Vicki Golden is one of these few. To give Vicki the proper amount of credit in text alone would be not only a ridiculous task, but also it’d be a disservice to her. Vicki has to be seen to be believed. Thankfully, a video speaks for itself and helps keep things within a mandated word count. And that’s just what we’ve been lucky to create with her here.
“My friends are the best in the world at what they do so I’m going to make damn sure that I stay to that standard and that I keep pushing it until I can’t push anymore.” — Vicki Golden.